Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year... fresh start

2011, I love you already. There are so many changes happening for me personally and professionally that I am really excited to see what the rest of 2011 has to offer.

I started off the new year in my new (very cool) downtown loft apartment, right in the heart of san diego's gaslamp district... the building is one of the oldest in san diego and features marble floors with ornate brass elevator doors (I'll have to take a pic later!).

Newly single with so many goals in front of me. 1.) finish my business plan (which has been looming over my head for so long!) 2.) get the new website i've been working on published (almost done!) 3.) Don't work TOO much! 4.) Workout 6 days a week (yoga, running and spin!) because its good for the soul.. 5.) Run my next 1/2 marathon in under 1:55 (which isnt too lofty a goal since the last one I finished in under 1:58 but I only have 3 weeks left to train!) 6. Get lots of new product out there for all my brides and fabulous ladies!

Happy New Year!

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